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    The Christian life is often described as a war or battle. It’s a common comparison that most of us intrinsically understand and relate to. Onslaught… Read More »Stand


      I don’t like to talk about finances. It’s always been something that I have felt is incredibly personal to an individual. Thus, when God laid… Read More »Tithing

      Hidden Treasures

        The Word of God and testimonies of His faithfulness can be hidden in our hearts to sustain us and fulfill us.

        Faith in the Furnace

          Faith is developed through perseverance and continued trust in God when it looks and feels like He has abandoned us.

          Water Walking

            Do you ever wonder if it’s better to be the one who stays in the boat or if it’s better to risk sinking in an attempt to walk on the water?

            With Him

              A beautiful, yet many times unappreciated gift, is the freedom to be with God at any moment.