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Psalm 150

    God is worthy of all the praise and honor we can give, and so much more. Whether we see His goodness and abundance in blatant ways or whether circumstances hide His splendor behind the mundane or outright brokenness, He deserves our praise. His character and might are on display all around us. Other things may try to demand our attention and seem more pressing than sitting to ponder aspects of God’s abundant greatness. Other people might want our time and energy. Those agendas may be important, but praising God isn’t something done; instead of facing life’s needs, it is done in conjunction with them. It could be singing in your heart to God or dancing before the Lord, as David did. Your praise could be poems to the King of kings or words of gratitude, thankfulness, and acknowledgment. You could have quiet times of praise when you sit in reverence of creation. It could be accompanied by musical instruments and a gathering of others. Throughout your day, it may look like the act of honoring God while working through silent prayers of praise. There are so many forms praise can take in our lives, but it shouldn’t stagnate or become abandoned. In what ways do you express your adoration toward God?

    Praise God in his sanctuary.
    Praise him in his mighty expanse.
    Praise him for his powerful acts;
    praise him for his abundant greatness’

    Praise him with the blast of a ram’s horn;
    praise him with harp and lyre.
    Praise him with tambourine and dance;
    praise him with strings and flute.
    Praise him with resounding cymbals;
    praise him with clashing cymbals.

    Let everything that breathes praise the Lord.

    Psalm 150: 1-6

