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    Tears dripping like blood at Gethsemane
    Betrayed and abandoned by friends
    Yet still You gave up everything
    So all that Adam lost, would be redeemed
    What is this surrender
    That You’d freely give up Your Spirit
    And I would be called forgiven
    Through You the righteousness of God
    You are the risen Savior
    Seated at the right hand of the Throne
    Son of God, Son of Man
    Light of the world in the beginning
    And forevermore
    To You be the glory
    For the sacrifice that can’t be repaid
    In sight of these mercies
    In view of this faithful love
    I am overcome
    In awe
    I kneel before the Father
    Giving thanks to Your name
    Offering myself in true worship
    For in this life and eternity through Christ
    I am saved