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My Strength

    God speaks to the Chaldeans in Habakkuk about their guilt before them.

    Then they sweep by like the wind and pass through. They are guilty; their strength is their god. Habakkuk 1:11

    If you are like me, it may speak to your heart and convict you. The Lord, in His goodness, gives us the precious opportunity to come before Him in prayer and repentance.


    Thank you for Your goodness in illuminating Your truth to me. I come to you with a heart humbled by Your Word. I have countless times built my security in my own strength and my own plans over trusting in Your will for me. I pray for forgiveness for the sinful pride that has risen up in my heart at those moments. Search my heart, bring my sin before my eyes. Heal the broken parts of me that would build idols and seek refuge outside You. By Your Spirit, refocus my affections onto You. I want to know You in greater depth and put all I am in Your hands for refinement, so I can bring you glory. Let me find my strength in You as I see my weaknesses in clear view. I don’t want to continue to fall into the trap of pride. Let me rest in Your will. Thank you for bringing me to repentance by Your grace and mercy. It is Your goodness that brings me to repentance and lasting change. You are righteous and holy, and I am in awe of Your willingness to change and sanctify my heart. I love You, Lord.

