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Evidence of Who He Is

    Reminders of God’s outstretched hands towards us are unceasing. It’s breathed into the depths of our beings. Evidence of this truth is found in the very fabric of this world.

    It’s in the way coursing water smooths the hardest stone. The jagged edges never pierce through the water. Nor does the water ever toss the defiant rock from its embrace. Rather, at an unnoticeable pace, the mutual existence and relational proximity bring about refinement.

    So, too, our rebellious hearts, rough and broken, never wound the transformative presence of God. As a man, our God was injured once before as He broke down the dam that held back the water’s indwelling. His wrists were pierced. His ankles were punctured. His side was lanced by a sword. Body bruised. Beaten. Left for dead as the last hindrance was removed, and the freed current washed over Him, infusing with the very essence of His cleansing lifeblood. His humanity was destroyed by the very hearts that would one day cry, “Truly, He is the Son of God.” His divinity, our salvation, is now revealed and coursing over us who, by the Spirit, put saving faith in Christ Jesus. It will not cease. It will not fail. The very rocks are shouting the truth of His faithfulness.

    Our redeeming Savior is never dissuaded. He is here for the heart crying out, for the rebel and the backslider, for the blind, for the ignorant, for the arrogant, for life torn apart and through pain, for those left with gaping wounds… for all of those moved by the Spirit of God. With gentle mercy and unfathomable love, He is here.

    “He answered, ‘I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.’” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:40‬ ‭ESV‬‬