Blog Writings

Dependance on God

There is a beauty in depending on God. The process of laying down burdens and allowing peace to come is an unmistakeable rhythm that can’t be replicated through any other means. Through the flow of recognizing and surrendering to dependance on God lasting contentment and joy can be found. Yet, there is something in us that pushes against the idea of dependance. The very thought of being reliant on someone outside of ourselves can bring anxiety, fear, and frustration. In short it awakens pride.

Pride swells up at the notion of dependance, resisting that which is a fact of our being- we are all dependent on God. It tries to prove the contrary and find security in control. Seeking to build up evidence of autonomy, pride can lead to the pursuit of self sufficiency. Wrapped up in a blind sense of self  the beauty of the rhythmic flow of dependance is forsaken for disjointed highs and lows subjected to perceived success.

It is a hard practice to abandon temporary victories for a lasting peace that is beyond my control. I have struggled greatly with following the harmony of God’s set design- my dependance on Him. Matthew 11:28-30 always beckons me back to Christ when I become tired and disillusioned in my own striving.

 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Obeying that command and trusting in those words is not easy. Many times taking up the light burden of Christ means abandoning tinkering with my own concerns to focus my attention on His Word and other people. There is an uncertainty that comes with leaving those things, but rest, peace, and joy have proven to be the result time and time again. God has been faithful to His promise and patient as He walks me through what it means to depend on Him. This daily practice, this rhythmic dance of placing my burdens at His feet and relying on Him for strength has been one that I am becoming more acquainted with. It’s delightful. The more I practice the more I am able to open myself up to live with less anxiety, frustration, and fear.

I pray that you too can experience the beauty and peace of depending on God. If, like me, you have struggled to incorporate this into your life as a habit start with small steps. Begin by communicating with God about what’s weighing on you (Philippians 4:6) and verbalize your dependance on Him. Prayerfully walk in thanksgiving and acknowledgment of all that God faithfully takes care of in your life (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) . When you feel the pull of pride, reframe your perspective to see the truth- every good and perfect gift comes from Him (James 1:16-17). God sustains us with the very breath we breath, He gifted to us talents and abilities to accomplish the work He has called us to, He has ordered our steps. We are dependent on God. Now, we must choose to live in submission to that truth.

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