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Psalm 136

    Starting the day with praise and thanksgiving to God and recognizing Him in everything is crucial to experiencing His sustaining joy and peace. I don’t do it as much as I should, but it is a practice that I am embracing more. Seeing His faithful love in who He is and as it is reflected in what He does is an amazing pattern of gratefulness that is found in Psalm 136.

    In the midst of this dialogue, it always catches me off guard that it includes verse 10, about striking down the firstborn of Egypt. Not only that, but that line is encapsulated by, “His faithful love endures forever.” Though it is true, I know I might skate on by the death of every Egyptian firstborn in my worship. Even if they were the enemy, it is hard to celebrate the wrath of God as “faithful love.” Did it bring deliverance? Yes. However, it seems like a little tricky subject. Maybe leave out that particular line? By its inclusion, I am reminded that God’s hand of justice is faithful love. It is a sobering truth that the judgment and punishment of the wicked are part of God’s holy character. Whether we understand every action or not, we trust that “He is good. His faithful love endures forever.”

    Reveling in the destruction of those we judge is not the goal of these verses or the ones that follow. As we look on as God upholds His place as The Judge, it is our place to respect and revere His perfect discernment and actions. Thankfulness for His mercy and love, knowing we, too, are guilty of violating the faultless law of God, should be a natural outflow. I want to meditate on having this attitude of the heart more and more as I come to know God in greater depth.

    1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    4 He alone does great wonders.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    5 He made the heavens skillfully.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    6 He spread the land on the waters.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    7 He made the great lights:
    His faithful love endures forever.
    8 the sun to rule by day,
    His faithful love endures forever.
    9 the moon and stars to rule by night.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    10 He struck the firstborn of the Egyptians
    His faithful love endures forever.
    11 and brought Israel out from among them
    His faithful love endures forever.
    12 with a strong hand and outstretched arm.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    13 He divided the Red Sea
    His faithful love endures forever.
    14 and led Israel through,
    His faithful love endures forever.
    15 but hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    16 He led his people in the wilderness.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    17 He struck down great kings
    His faithful love endures forever.
    18 and slaughtered famous kings—
    His faithful love endures forever.
    19 Sihon king of the Amorites
    His faithful love endures forever.
    20 and Og king of Bashan—
    His faithful love endures forever.
    21 and gave their land as an inheritance,
    His faithful love endures forever.
    22 an inheritance to Israel his servant.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    23 He remembered us in our humiliation
    His faithful love endures forever.
    24 and rescued us from our foes.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    25 He gives food to every creature.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    26 Give thanks to the God of heaven!
    His faithful love endures forever.

    Psalm 136